What Causes Water Retention Problems?
If water suddenly accumulates in someone’s body or legs, there is anxiety. Such symptoms should not be taken lightly. This can happen for various reasons.
Decreased heart function or heart failure, high blood pressure, disruption of blood flow to the heart, heart valve problems, decreased heart muscle function, swelling of the legs, water in the legs, abdomen, and chest. These patients have symptoms like chest pain, high blood pressure, palpitations, excessive fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.
In cirrhosis of the liver, water accumulates first in the abdomen and then in the legs and chest. Hepatitis B and C viruses, excessive drinking, excess fat accumulation in the liver causes cirrhosis of the liver. These patients have symptoms like loss of appetite, yellow urine, blood vomiting, etc.
Kidney complications are another cause of water retention in the body. When nephrotic syndrome, nephritis, and kidney failure, water comes first in the mouth, then in the legs and chest. These patients have symptoms like excessive urination, nausea, loss of appetite, urine foam, the color of urine like thick mustard oil, less urination, etc.
If the level of protein in the blood decreases, if the food is not eaten in moderation, if it is not digested, if the protein is excreted from the esophagus or with urine, the level of protein decreases. When meat is reduced in the blood, water comes to the legs, stomach, and chest.
Even if the level of thyroid hormone is reduced, water comes to the feet. The patient has symptoms like goiter, chills, obesity, heavy menstrual bleeding, constipation, etc. In addition, pain medications such as diclofenac, naproxen, ibuprofen, etoricoxib can cause watery feet.
If water accumulates in the body for any reason, it is important to find out the cause and treat it. There are some things to be careful with. You also have to be careful about your eating habits.
What to do.
- Eating garlic on an empty stomach in the morning is beneficial. It also helps break down fat.
- Raw cabbage leaves, green tea, apple cider vinegar, coriander leaves, cumin, etc. act as diuretics. You can eat these. This will remove excess salt from the body with urine.
- Take several pieces of ice on a thin cloth and press it on the water accumulated area. Leave it for 30 seconds and soak your feet in warm water for another 30 seconds. It has benefits.
Don’t do that.
- Salt retains water in the cells and excess salt causes water retention in the body. Sugar, on the other hand, increases the level of insulin in the body. As a result, the excretion of sodium and salt from the body decreases. So you have to stop eating too much salt in your diet.
- There is a risk of hepatitis from fried or open food. So avoid open food outside.
- Drinking alcohol can cause water retention in the body. It forces the body to store more water.
Writer: Israt Jahan: Nutritionist, Sajeda Hospital.